Wax Removal
Some people (particularly those wearing hearing aids) can benefit from regular wax removal. Ear wax can sometimes block the ear canal which can lead to pain or temporary hearing loss.
At Holt Hearing and Balance Services our staff are trained to expertly remove ear wax via three methods:
This is a painless procedure to remove wax, dead skin, foreign objects and even infection from your ears. We use a microscope to look in your ears and a very small suction tube to ‘hoover’ out the debris. Anyone can have microsuction, as long as you are able to remain still during the procedure. Microsuction is ideal for patients who are unable to safely or easily have debris removed by irrigation or instrumentation removal.
This is a painless procedure where an electric pump is used to push water into your ear, which in turn washes the ear wax out.
Instrumentation Various instruments are used to clean out your ear and remove any ear wax.
Not sure which is for you?
If you are unsure on which method is for you or even whether you have wax in your ears, but your ears feel blocked, please do give us a call. We can discuss this over the hone with you and give you advice on what would be best for you. If we book in for an appointment, convenient for you and your ears are clear we are able to discuss further steps to assess the blocked feeling you have in your ears.